Modern Jazz Vocabulary Vol. 3 - MINOR 2 - 5 - 1
Improvising over the minor ii-7, V7, i chord progression can be challenging for both the beginning and advanced jazz musician.
Modern Jazz Vocabulary Vol.3 contains over 1600 Bars of minor ii-7, V7, i- melodies, licks and patterns in all 12 keys. The material is designed to help one develop an aural, technical and theoretical understanding of this common chord progression in each key.
The lines use a variety of rhythmic groupings, chord substitutions, triads, triad pairs, chromatics, approach notes, tensions, chord tones, non chord tones, scales, and both “inside” and “outside” concepts, all with an emphasis on melody. You can click to the buy the book from LULU press.
Is an in depth study of the classic minor II-V-I progression found commonly in jazz improvisation. The nearly 300 melodic examples incorporate rhythmic groupings, triad pairs, enclosures, chromatics, synthetic scales, chord substitutions and more.